Subject line: Let's Do Some Good together!
Dear Valued Employees,
We are excited to announce that our company has joined a new community-based platform called Do Some Good that connects people, community organizations, and businesses to make a meaningful impact in communities across Canada.
This platform offers a unique opportunity for you to...
- Discover the good happening in your local community
- Find local volunteer opportunities and events
- Get to know your co-workers in a meaningful way
- Be a positive ambassador for our company by sharing stories
Signing up is quick and easy! Just follow this link to get started: <insert link - grab from your Management Area - Teams page - Invite Employees sub-tab>.
Once you're signed up, we encourage you to post stories about the good you see in your community (e.g., your favourite cause, acts of kindness, volunteering). Be sure to @mention any people, organizations, and companies involved (including ours!)
Let's Do Some Good together and make a positive impact in our local communities!
<Sender Name>
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