Do Some Good's easy-to-use approval queue allows you to fully moderate all content your business is tagged in and protect your brand and reputation.
Quick Links:
- Where to Find the Approval Queue
- How the Approval Queue Works
- Auto-Approving Content from Admins & Employees
Where to Find the Approval Queue
To access the approval queue, head to your "News & Marketing" page in your Management Area and click on the "Waiting for Approvals" tab. Here you will find all stories that mention your business and are waiting for a publishing decision by your team.
How the Approval Queue Works
When a story hits your approval queue, your admins will receive an email notification. Clicking the link in this email will take you to the approval queue where you will have three options:
- "Message" the user if there is an issue or if clarification is needed.
- "Hide" the post if it's inappropriate or if you don't want it to show up on your business profile or widgets (i.e. don't want it seen by employees, customers/members or those who have favourited your company)
- "Approve" the post and it will immediately appear on your business profile and any configured widgets.
NOTE: If you accidentally approve a story when you meant to hide it, simply go to your business profile or News & Marketing page, click the dropdown menu on the story, and select "Remove from Page".
Auto-Approving Content From Admins & Employees
Administrators can always post stories (as themselves or as your business) and they automatically appear on your news feed right away. No moderation or approval required.
For employee content, you can give permission for the platform to auto-approve these stories by adjusting your business settings - click here to learn how.
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