Nearly every element you add to your form is customizable for how it appears to users, how Do Some Good treats the data and how it is reported back to you. The properties window is where you configure the element to make it act the way you want.
Each element or field on your form has its own unique set of properties that let you customize its behaviour to the submitter as well as how the data is treated in your submissions and reports. Some fields have no properties at all (Title, Horizontal Line etc) and others have as many. Some form elements are very specialized and have a property that is only suitable for that one input type and may not be included in this article. For example, the 'Side by Side Group' element has properties to let you set the ratio for the left/right split. Unique properties are described in the Form Builder Fields article in the section that describes the field itself.
Standard Options
The 'Label' is the question or title for the field that the user sees. This is where you ask your question of them.
Supporting Text
Supporting text is meant to provide clarification for the person filling out the form. It appears in a different font with an information icon beneath the label and above the data entry area.
When selected, the submitter must enter a value in this field. If the field is a specific format (such as a date) then it must have a valid value in the correct format. If the submitter did not provide a valid value for a required field, they will get an error when they attempt to submit. The missing or invalid field will be highlighted to the user. If the 'Required' property is not selected, the form will be able to be submitted with a blank value in that field.
Internal field (admin-only)
If this option is selected, the field will not be displayed to the submitter. The field will only be able to be seen and edited by the administrators at your business when they look at the 'Submitted Information' on a submission Details page.
This type of field is very helpful when you have information that you want to record internally for a submission. This could be something like a cheque number used for payout, a score/evaluation of a response or even a cash equivalent given if a respondent requested in-kind products/services.
Include in reports
This option is selected by default for most form elements. When selected, the field will be included with the report that is automatically generated for every form. By default, the name of the column in the report will be the same as the label for the question. When this option is selected however, an optional field will appear where you can add a more internal or shortened version to appear as the column header of the report.
Max Length (Characters or digits)
For text input fields as well as a number input field you are able set a limit to the number of characters or digits that the submitter is allowed to type in.
Do not group digits with separator
By default the forms system puts comma separators every 3 digits for formatting numeric input values. If you do not want to have commas formatted into your number input field, click this option. This is useful for recording membership or registration numbers where commas would ruin the formatting.
The commas are included in the submitted data. Changing this value will have no effect on the display and reporting of existing values that have already been submitted, it will only affect values in future submissions.
Suitable for stories
One of the most powerful aspects of the Do Some Good form system is that it can create sharable content for you with just a few clicks. If you select this option, the content entered in the fields will contribute to an auto generated story that can be easily published from the submission. You can select a single form field or many to help craft your story. Read our help article on how to make best use of this powerful feature.
When this option is selected, an optional field appears allowing you to decide what heading should be used for this content within your story. If you do not add a value, the heading will be the label used for the suitable for story field. The only exception to this is the image uploader, by default there is no heading for it but you can optionally add one.
Whenever a 'Suitable for stories' option is selected for a form, an icon is added next to the element and a disclaimer placed at the bottom to make it clear that this information may be shared more broadly.
Advanced Options
NOTE: The Dollar Input and other tally fields are advanced elements that may someday be included as part of a paid package for foundations and other similarly well funded entities that distribute money to others. There will always be a free version of Do Some Good for organizations and we will never delete, limit your usage of, or charge you for existing forms even if some features you use become part of a paid package at a later date.
Include in tally for $ requested
This option is available for dollar amount fields and indicates whether the value entered by a respondent represents a request for money from you. When this property is selected, the amount entered will contribute to the totals for the form and also appear prominently on the submission details page. On the form details page this value contributes to the 'Monetary' totals category. This option is selected by default for all 'Dollar Amount' elements. More details on how this field contributes to reports and totals can be found here.
Include in tally for in-kind requested
This option available for dollar amount fields and indicates whether the value entered by a respondent represents a request for in-kind products or services from you. When the property is selected, the amount entered will contribute to the totals for the form and also appear prominently on the submission details page. On the form details page this value contributes to the 'In-Kind' totals category. More details on how this field contributes to reports and totals can be found here.
Requires confirmation on state change
This option indicates that the 'Numeric' or 'Monetary' question is very important to the form and needs to be verified closely by your review team upon approval or payment. We call these elements 'Key Values' in the management area.
The special handling of Key Values is as follows:
- Allows an administrator to edit the value in the 'Submitted Information' area of a form.
- Allows an administrator to view and edit key values using the 'Edit Key Values' dialog box. This dialog box will show the original as well as current value for each of the key values and allow them to view key values that may not have been filled out by a user.
- Every time the state of a submission is changed to 'Approved' or 'Approved and Paid', the original and updated key values will be presented to the administrator for review, verification and editing prior to changing the state.
- If a Key Value is also included in the report, the field will get two columns, one is for the original request amount, the second field is for the value at the time the report is run.
Use as quantity in tally for in-kind $ requested
This value is only applicable for 'Number Input' fields and is used when each unit should have an in-kind cash value associated with it and that value should be considered an in-kind tally field. When selected, a new field appears ($ value per one unit of quantity entered) where you enter the in-kind dollar value of the item or service. Ideal uses would be to assign an in-kind cash value for an hour of volunteerism by your team or a piece of merchandise that someone may request from you.
To give a practical example, if you were accepting requests for support in the form of $20 gift cards, you would configure this option to be $20. Your question to the submitter could be "How many $20 gift cards do you need?". If a respondent indicated '5', Do Some Good would associate a $100 in-kind request amount with the submission. More information on how tally fields contribute to reports and totals can be found here.
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